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Int 62 Fn 009E  u - Fgdriver V3.03 - "fg_sounds" - Play Sounds In Backgro  [V]

   AX = 009Eh
   CX = number of times to cycle through sound list
   ES:BX -> sounds array (see below)

Notes: For FGDRIVER v1.10, this function was "FG_ALLOCEMS" (see AX=0002h);
     "FG_SOUNDS" was AX=0089h
   This call is ignored if asynchronous sound (AX=0089h,AX=008Bh,
     AX=008Dh) is already in progress

See Also: AX=0048h,AX=006Bh,AX=009Dh,AX=00A0h,AX=00ABh

Format of sounds array element:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    frequency of sound in Hertz (0000h ends array)
 02h   WORD    duration of sound in clock ticks

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